Teacher Learning Choices Model for K-12 Differentiated Instruction with Sanity and Success

The TLC Model uses brain research as a foundation to identify and incorporate the most powerful, brain-based differentiated strategies

Most teachers want to enhance the learning of all of their students through differentiated instruction because it results in greater student interest, initiative and success. However, differentiated instruction can be confusing, and overpowering. Teachers can get lost in all of the strategies available and it can feel overwhelming and too complex to use consistently or sanely.

Help is on the way! The TLC: Teacher Learning Choices Model is a decision-making framework that keeps the implementation of differentiated instruction both “sane” for teachers and successful for students. The TLC Model uses brain research as a foundation to identify and incorporate the most powerful, brain-based differentiated strategies.

This interactive training focuses on the brain-based TLC: Teacher Learning Choices Model for differentiating instruction that incorporates student learning styles, student interests and/or student readiness levels.  The TLC Model is a framework for managing differentiated instruction that promotes teacher sanity and student success. TLC is an easy and “sane” way to successfully incorporate proven, brain-base differentiated strategies that result in greater student interest, student initiative, and joy of learning and teaching for all.

Participants will …


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