Better Brains for Business Presentations and Sales
Learn how to apply brain researched, best practices to more effectively organize and present information.
In this age of information overload and aggressive sales goals, learn how to apply brain researched, best practices to more effectively organize information, construct meaning and create sustainable memory for yourself and your audience. Using these powerful brain-based strategies will result in clients better understanding and remembering your products and services as well.
Additionally, you will learn the most powerful brain based practices for efficiently using and renewing the mental, physical, and emotional energy required for sustained high performance and well being in these complex and chaotic times. (Loehr & Schwartz)
This interactive training applies current brain research to teaching and learning and identifies the most powerful processes and strategies for managing and making sense of information, while efficiently and effectively creating sustainable memory.
Participants will …
- Have a better understanding of the basics of how the brain processes information, constructs meaning, and creates sustainable memory.
- Learn the following brain processes of CEA, CEX and PMMS: 1) Chemical Electrical Associative, 2) Complex Experience Expectant, 3) Present Moment Memory Space and how they apply to presentations and sales.
- Be able to more effectively implement the brain compatible practices of Brain Drainers, Brain Builders, Memory Space Guidelines and Universal Conceptual Organizers.
- Be able to apply the brain-based strategies and practices to enhance and ensure effective presentations and sales.
- Be able to apply the best brain-based techniques to efficiently and effectively manage the use and renewal of their mental, physical and emotional energy to be able to sustain high performance levels.
- Be able to remain “sabotage free” by using brain-based strategies.
Click here to see an excerpt from Brain Drainer Book