K-12 Differentiated Instruction for 21st Century Skills

This training results in greater teacher success and student interest, initiative and performance

Educators know that it is important to ensure that the students are getting a modern education; yet, there is some confusion about which 21st Century skills are most important and critical.  This training clarifies what the agreed upon 21st Century Skill Sets and Capacities are and provides a framework for teaching those skills and capacities through differentiated instruction, resulting in greater teacher success and student interest, initiative and performance.

This interactive training focuses on two intersecting practices: 1) the four 21st Century skill sets and seven capacities; and 2) the brain-based TLC: Teacher Learning Choices Model for differentiating instruction using student learning styles, student interests and/or student readiness levels.

Participants will …

Click here to see an excerpt from the Brain Drainer Book
Click here to see a graphic of the TLC model